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ahtomp in Wampanoag language and culture, a weapon used for shooting arrows; bow.
aim to point carefully (usu. a weapon), with the intention of hitting a target. [1/8 definitions]
ammunition the objects fired from any weapon, or material that can be exploded. Bullets, bombs, and gunpowder are types of ammunition. [1/2 definitions]
antiaircraft a weapon or weapons used as defense against enemy air attack. [1/2 definitions]
arbalest a medieval missile-launching weapon whose design is similar to that of a crossbow.
arrow a thin stick with a point on one end. An arrow is a kind of weapon. [2 definitions]
atomic bomb an extremely destructive weapon, the explosive power of which derives from the immense amount of energy suddenly released when the nuclei of uranium 235 or plutonium atoms are split; atom bomb.
atomize to subject to the effects of an atomic weapon. [1/3 definitions]
barehanded without any sort of aid in hand, such as a weapon or tool. [1/2 definitions]
battle-ax a wide-bladed, heavy ax used in former times as a weapon.
bayonet a weapon like a knife attached to the front end of a rifle for use in close fighting.
blackjack a short club with a leather cover, heavy head, and flexible handle, used as a weapon. [1/6 definitions]
bludgeon a short stick with one end thicker and heavier than the other, used as a weapon; club. [2/3 definitions]
bola a throwing weapon with heavy balls attached to the ends of a rope, used by South American herdsmen to entangle the legs of cattle and game.
boomerang a curved wooden club designed to return to the thrower when hurled, used as a hunting weapon by Australian aborigines. [1/3 definitions]
bop2 (informal) to strike, as with a fist or weapon. [2 definitions]
bow2 a weapon used for shooting arrows. A bow is made of a thin, curved piece of wood or other material with a tight string between the two ends. [1/2 definitions]
brandish to wave or shake (something such as a weapon) in a threatening or agitated manner. [2/3 definitions]
brickbat a piece of brick, esp. one used as a projectile or weapon.
broadax an ax with a wide blade and a short handle, used as a weapon or for cutting down timber.
burst a series of closely spaced shots fired from a weapon or weapons. [1/8 definitions]