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calcium cyanamide a white powder used mainly as a fertilizer or weed killer; cyanamide.
charlock a weed with yellow flowers and a hairy stem, often found in grain fields; wild mustard.
cheat an annual brome grass, originally native to Europe but now a weed in wheat-growing regions worldwide; chess. [1/11 definitions]
chickweed a small, scrubby weed of the pink family with small leaves and white flowers.
cocklebur a coarse composite plant with rough, prickly burs, usu. considered a weed. [1/2 definitions]
coltsfoot a widespread perennial weed, named for the shape of its leaves.
corn cockle an annual flowering plant that bears pinkish flowers and poisonous seeds and is considered a weed.
couch grass a grass that has creeping rootstocks, by which it spreads rapidly, and is considered a troublesome weed; quack grass; quitch.
devil's paintbrush a common perennial weed found in Europe and North America that bears a cluster of orange-red flowers atop a leafless stalk.
henbit a spreading European weed, related to mint, that has opposite, toothed leaves and bears small white, pink, or purple flowers.
hoe to use a hoe on; dig or weed. [1/2 definitions]
Jerusalem oak a North American weed with lobed leaves and an odor like turpentine.
Johnson grass a coarse perennial grass grown for animal forage, but often growing as a troublesome weed.
lamb's-quarters (used with a sing. or pl. verb) an annual weed of the goosefoot family having mealy leaves and bearing clusters of small green flowers; pigweed.
mullein a weed that has coarse leaves covered by a thick, wooly down and bears spikes of densely clustered yellow flowers. [1/2 definitions]
Queen Anne's lace a common weed related to the carrot that bears large, lacy umbels of tiny white flowers.
ragweed a weed that produces a large amount of pollen in the fall. Many people are allergic to ragweed.
shepherd's-purse a weed that bears small white cross-shaped flowers and pods that resemble purses or pouches.
stinkweed any of various bad-smelling plants, such as the jimson weed or dog fennel.
stramonium a coarse, foul-smelling weed with trumpet-shaped white or lavender flowers, prickly fruit, and poisonous leaves; jimson weed. [2 definitions]
tansy any of several fragrant herbs bearing small round flower heads, esp. a poisonous weed with feathery leaves and bearing small yellow flower heads, often used medicinally or as an herb.