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aikido a system of self-defense, originating in Japan, in which an opponent's strength and weight are used against him or her by using specific throws and holds.
allargando gradually slower and broader, with more weight or power (used as a musical direction).
angulation in skiing, a body position in which the knees and upper body lean into the hill while weight is placed on the downhill ski. [1/3 definitions]
as2 an ancient Roman unit of weight equal to approximately twelve ounces; libra. [1/2 definitions]
atomic weight the average weight of one atom of a given element, expressed in atomic mass units.
at. wt. abbreviation of "atomic weight," the average weight of one atom of a given element, expressed in atomic mass units.
avdp. abbreviation of "avoirdupois," a system of weight based on a pound equal to sixteen ounces or to 453.59 grams.
avoirdupois see "avoirdupois weight." [2 definitions]
avoirdupois weight a system of weight based on a pound equal to sixteen ounces or to 453.59 grams.
balsa a tree of tropical America, whose wood is very light in weight. [1/2 definitions]
bantamweight a boxer of a weight class between flyweight and featherweight, between 112 and 118 pounds.
baro- weight; pressure.
barrel-chested having a deeper, thicker chest than usual for one's height or weight.
bench press a weightlifting exercise in which one lies on a bench, removes a weight from a pair of overhead supports, lowers it to the chest, and raises it again.
bench-press to lift (a weight) during a bench press.
big large in size, number, or weight. [1/2 definitions]
biomass the quantity of living matter in a particular habitat measured by weight of organisms per unit of habitat area or by weight or volume of organisms per unit of habitat volume.
boom2 a heavy beam on a derrick, used to extend and support cargo or other weight. [1/5 definitions]
boxing gloves a heavily padded set of leather gloves of standard weight and design used in boxing.
bulimarexia an eating disorder, esp. found in young women, that is marked by the eating of large amounts of food followed by purging, usu. by self-induced vomiting or by taking laxatives, to avoid weight gain. (Cf. anorexia.)
bushel1 a unit of weight equal to a bushel of a given product. [1/5 definitions]