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angulation in skiing, a body position in which the knees and upper body lean into the hill while weight is placed on the downhill ski. [1/3 definitions]
anointing of the sick a Catholic sacrament in which a priest anoints a person who is in danger of imminent death, while praying for recovery and remission of sins; last rites.
as1 during the time that; while. [1/11 definitions]
axolotl any of various salamanders esp. of the southwestern United States and Mexico that mature sexually and breed while in the larval stage, still having gills.
babysit to take care of children while their parents are away.
backpack a pack used to carry objects on one's back while hiking or walking. [1/2 definitions]
bacteria microscopic organisms that often play a role in the decay of living things, the process of fermentation, and sometimes in causing disease. Bacteria are each made up of only one cell, but different kinds of bacteria can take different shapes. These organisms live in all parts of the earth including oceans, deserts, glaciers, hot springs, and in the bodies of most living things. While some kinds of bacteria are dangerous, most kinds are useful because they help in the digestion of food, in the making of soil, in the creation of medicines, and in many other natural processes.
bandit a robber who is often a member of a gang that robs people while they are travelling.
barnstorm to travel through (a rural area) while barnstorming. [1/3 definitions]
base line in baseball, the area within which a runner must stay while running from base to base. [1/3 definitions]
bed jacket a woman's loose garment designed to be worn over a nightgown while sitting up in bed.
Bible the main sacred writings of Judaism and Christianity. The writings of Judaism are made up of the Old Testament, while those of Christianity are made up of both the Old and New Testaments. [1/3 definitions]
bigamy in law, the crime of marrying one person while still married to another.
birling a game or contest of skill between two lumberjacks, won by whoever maintains his balance longest while balancing on and rotating a floating log.
blubber to attempt to utter while weeping loudly and uncontrollably. [1/5 definitions]
bootjack a forked device used to grip the heel of a boot while the foot is withdrawn.
Borneo a large island in the Malay Archipelago, the northern coast of which belongs to Malaysia and Brunei, while the rest belongs to Indonesia.
briefcase a flat container that is often made of leather and has a handle. It is used for carrying things like documents or books between home and work or while traveling.
Bronx cheer (informal) a sound of derision and contempt made by vibrating the tongue and lips while exhaling forcibly; raspberry.
bruxism the unconscious habit of grinding one's teeth, either while sleeping or waking.
bubble to move along while making a sound like that of bubbles breaking. [1/4 definitions]