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aback so that the wind catches the front side of an open sail. [2 definitions]
aeolian harp a musical instrument consisting of an open box with gut strings stretched across it that produce rising and falling sounds when wind passes over them.
air movement of the atmosphere; breeze or wind. [1/6 definitions]
airing an exposure to air or wind, so as to refresh or dry. [1/3 definitions]
alee at or toward that side of a ship which is farthest from the source of wind.
althorn any of various brass wind instruments in the alto or tenor range, esp. the altosaxhorn; alto horn.
anabatic pertaining to wind currents that rise because of heat pockets and the like.
anemograph an instrument used to measure and record the speed of the wind.
anemometer an instrument that measures the speed and force of the wind.
anemophilous of plants, pollinated by wind-blown pollen.
atmospheric river a very long and narrow wind corridor that transports a vast amount of water vapor through the sky, which can result in drenching rainstorms for particular areas.
bagpipe a wind instrument made of a leather bag and pipes. It is played by blowing air into the bag and squeezing the bag to force air through pipes that produce musical tones.
baritone a large, deep-toned, valved brass wind instrument, used esp. in military or marching bands. [1/4 definitions]
bass horn an obsolete brass wind instrument resembling the tuba. [1/2 definitions]
Beaufort scale a scale that rates the force and speed of wind from 0, "calm," to 12 or more, "hurricane".
becalm to make (a sailing vessel) motionless from lack of wind.
bell the opening of a brass or wind instrument where the sound comes out. [1/2 definitions]
belly to expand or cause to expand, as with wind. [1/5 definitions]
bitt to wind (a cable or line) around one or more bitts. [1/3 definitions]
blizzard a strong storm with a lot of snow and wind that lasts for a long time.
blow2 to be carried along by the wind. [1/5 definitions]