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ajar1 partly opened, as a hinged door, window, or lid.
architrave the decorative band or molding lining a door or window. [1/2 definitions]
awning a cover made of canvas or other material that is placed over a door or window. An awning keeps out sun and rain.
barred protected with bars, as a window. [1/3 definitions]
blind a window cover often made of cloth or thin pieces of metal or plastic. [1/2 definitions]
bow window a bay window built in a curve outward from a building.
café curtains short unpleated curtains, esp. for covering the lower half of a window.
came2 a thin, grooved strip of lead used to secure a piece of glass, as in a stained glass window.
case2 the frame around a door or window; casing. [1/5 definitions]
casement a hinged window sash that opens like a door. [2/3 definitions]
casing a framework for a window or door. [1/4 definitions]
crown glass an old form of circular window glass made by blowing a globe and whirling it into a flat disk. [1/2 definitions]
curtain a piece of cloth that hangs in a window or other opening to shut out light or to cover something.
deadlight a strong shutter or cover fastened over the interior of a ship's porthole or cabin window in stormy weather. [2/3 definitions]
defenestration the act of throwing someone or something out of a window. [1/2 definitions]
dialog box a window that appears on a computer screen to ask for information from the person using the computer.
display a careful arrangement of items for viewing, esp. items for sale, as in a shop window. [1/8 definitions]
dormer a window set vertically into a projecting structure on a sloping roof; dormer window. [2 definitions]
drivethrough a window at which customers can do business with an establishment without getting out of their cars. A drive-through also consists of a special lane or lanes for the cars to access the window and to exit after completion of business. [1/3 definitions]
embrasure an opening for a door or window splayed toward the interior. [1/2 definitions]
fanlight a window that is ribbed and shaped like an open fan, usu. above a door.