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alate having wings or winglike parts; winged.
ant lion any of several lace-winged insects whose larvae dig holes in which they trap ants or other insects for food.
ash2 any of a group of trees that are related to the olive and have winged seeds and compound leaves. [1/2 definitions]
auk any of a group of web-footed, short-winged sea birds that live in colder parts of the Northern Hemisphere and are skilled at swimming and diving.
bee fly any of several two-winged flies that resemble bees and that feed on pollen and nectar.
biting midge any of several tiny two-winged biting insects, similar to gnats, that attack in swarms.
blackbird any of various common songbirds, the males of which are black or mostly black, such as the European thrush or the American red-winged blackbird.
buzzard any of several broad-winged European hawks. [1/2 definitions]
cherub a heavenly being, esp. one of the second order of angels, usu. represented as a winged child with a chubby face and rosy cheeks. [1/2 definitions]
coot any of several dark grayish, short-winged aquatic birds related to rails. [1/3 definitions]
Cupid (l.c.) a representation of Cupid as a naked, winged boy with a bow and arrow. [1/2 definitions]
dipteran of or pertaining to a two-winged insect; dipterous. [1/2 definitions]
dragon a mythical animal that is usu. depicted as a monstrous, winged, fire-breathing reptile with claws and a long tail, often acting as a guardian of a place, treasure, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
Eros a representation of a winged infant as a symbol of love. [1/4 definitions]
fly2 any of a variety of small, winged insects, esp. the common housefly. [1/3 definitions]
gall midge any of several small, two-winged insects that form galls on plants; gall gnat.
geometrid of, pertaining to, or belonging to a family of broad-winged moths, the larvae of which are called measuring worms. [1/2 definitions]
Golden Fleece in Greek mythology, the fleece of a golden, winged ram which is the object of the expedition of Jason and the Argonauts. [1/2 definitions]
goshawk any of a number of large broad-winged hawks, formerly used for falconry.
ichneumon fly any of various winged, wasplike insects whose larvae live as parasites in other insect larvae; ichneumon wasp.
leaf insect any of various sluggish winged insects having a leaflike body in color and form.