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abatis an obstacle constructed by bending and sharpening the branches of trees or implanting sharpened limbs in a soil barricade, sometimes interlaced with barbed wire.
bale a large, tight group of objects tied together with something like string or wire.
barbed wire wire with barbs. Barbed wire is used to make fences.
barbwire see "barbed wire."
Berlin the capital city of Germany. Between 1945 and 1990 the city was divided into East Berlin and West Berlin. For most of that time the Berlin Wall, a concrete and wire barrier, separated East and West Berlin.
broadband of, pertaining to, or using a type of high-speed data transmission that allows signals at different frequencies, such as audio and video, to be transmitted simultaneously along a single wire. [1/2 definitions]
bustle2 a cushion or wire frame formerly worn beneath a dress to add fullness in the rear. [1/2 definitions]
cable a form of television in which the sound and picture signals are sent by a special wire rather than through the air. [1/3 definitions]
cage a box or space closed in by wire or bars, used to keep and display animals or birds. [1/4 definitions]
carry to conduct, as a water pipe or electric wire. [1/16 definitions]
chicken wire a flexible wire netting, usu. of hexagonal mesh, esp. for chicken coop enclosures and other light barriers.
cittern a sixteenth-century instrument of the guitar family, having a flat-backed, pear-shaped body and wire strings.
cloisonné enamel work on metal, as in jewelry or bowls, with the colors separated by thin metal strips or wire.
clothesline a rope, cord, or wire on which clothes, blankets, curtains, and the like are hung to dry or air.
coat hanger a piece of wire or other material shaped for hanging a piece of clothing and suspending it, as from a rod or hook.
coil1 an electrical device consisting of a tightly-wound wire or other conductor. [1/8 definitions]
cord a covered wire that carries electricity to a piece of equipment such as a television or lamp. [1/2 definitions]
crystal detector a simple radio receiver made of a semiconducting crystal touched by a fine wire.
current the flow of electricity in a wire or other conductor. [1/4 definitions]
cyclone fence a strong chain-link fence, usu. high and topped with barbed wire, used around military bases, prisons, and the like.
ductile able to withstand stress without breaking, as in drawing out into wire or pounding thin. [1/3 definitions]