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Aladdin in The Arabian Nights, a boy who finds a magic lamp and ring, each of which enables him to bring forth a powerful genie who can grant his every wish.
all right as you wish; as we have just discussed (used to express willingness or agreement). [1/5 definitions]
at will at one's discretion, wish, or pleasure.
bon appétit (French) good appetite (used before a meal to wish diners enjoyment ).
care (formal) to have a desire; wish (used in negative statements and questions; fol. by an infinitive). [1/12 definitions]
castle in the air a fanciful wish or scheme; daydream; pipe dream.
come true to become a reality, after being only a dream, wish, aspiration, or the like.
comply to act in agreement with or obedience to a wish, request, requirement, or rule (often fol. by "with").
covet to envy or wish to possess (something belonging to another) inordinately or without right. [2/3 definitions]
desirable of a thing or person, having characteristics that are attractive, prized, or valuable and thus causing a wish to have possession or the opportunity for use. [1/3 definitions]
desire a wish that has been expressed; appeal. [1/5 definitions]
dream to have as a wish, aim, or hope, even if difficult or unobtainable. [1/13 definitions]
emoji any of various small pictorial symbols or images that are used in electronic communication such as in text messages or emails to convey an emotion, attitude, wish, opinion, or the like.
envy to wish to have, or to regret not having (something that belongs to another). [1/4 definitions]
epigrammatize to express (an idea, wish, or the like) in the form of an epigram.
fantasy in psychology, an imagined state, event, or sequence of events, usu. acting out or fulfilling a wish; wish fulfillment; daydream. [1/5 definitions]
get one's way to manage to obtain one's particular wish or preference, regardless of the wishes or objections of others.
get out of to escape having to do (something that one does not wish to do).
Godspeed good fortune and success (used as a wish to a person beginning a journey, venture, or the like).
gymnasium in countries such as Germany, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, a secondary school for students who wish to prepare for university. [1/3 definitions]
here's to I wish success, health, prosperity, or the like for (a person, group, project, period of time, or the like); here is a toast to (a person or the like).