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as to with regard to; concerning. [1/2 definitions]
caveat a warning or caution, esp. with regard to the limits or stipulations of an agreement. [1/3 definitions]
coloring appearance, esp. facial, with regard to color; complexion. [1/4 definitions]
criticize to judge with regard to flaws and strengths. [1/4 definitions]
emotionally with regard to the feelings.
entente an accord of countries or other political units with regard to specified mutual positions or courses of action. [1/2 definitions]
geology the study of the physical structure, composition and development of the earth or other solid astronomical bodies, esp. with regard to rocks and land forms. [1/2 definitions]
housecleaning the act or process of improving conditions, as in a business or corporation, with regard to personnel, methods of operation, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
hydrostatics (used with a sing. verb) the scientific study of liquids at rest, esp. with regard to pressure and equilibrium.
idealistic believing in noble ideas, principles, and values, especially with regard to the possibility of making positive change in the world.
in principle with regard to theory, aside from practical application.
intonation the act or manner of speaking, esp. with regard to pitch and its reflection of meaning. [1/3 definitions]
kinky (informal) characterized by odd or bizarre qualities, particularly with regard to sexual activity. [1/2 definitions]
licentious not within the bounds of morality or propriety, esp. with regard to sexual conduct; immoral; lewd.
make sure to make (something) certain, or to make oneself feel sure with regard to something.
materially with regard to physical matter. [1/2 definitions]
normative of, pertaining to, or prescribing a law, standard, or norm, esp. with regard to correctness in speaking, writing, or behavior.
on with regard to; about; concerning. [1/19 definitions]
over by the means of (used esp. with regard to a mode of communication); via. [1/29 definitions]
-plasty formation, esp. with regard to plastic surgery.
position to put (oneself) in a particular location, stance, or attitude, either physically or with regard to an issue or situation. [1/9 definitions]