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Commissioner for Oaths a lawyer authorized to witness and certify particular legal documents.
cross-examine to question (a witness who has testified for the other side). [1/2 definitions]
deposition a sworn statement, usu. in writing, for use as testimony by an absent witness in a court of law. [1/3 definitions]
discover to see or witness due to a chance encounter or deliberate search; find. [1/3 definitions]
eyewitness to see (an act or event) with one's own eyes, and esp. to be able to bear witness as a result. [1/2 definitions]
hearsay evidence evidence usu. not admissible in court because the witness has not obtained it by personal observation or experience, but by hearing it from others.
interrogatory a question or inquiry, esp. a formal question to a witness in a court of law. [1/2 definitions]
notary public an official with legal authority to witness and certify documents and contracts, take affidavits and depositions, and the like.
petit jury a group of twelve citizens selected to witness a civil or criminal trial and empowered to decide, after discussing the evidence and issues presented, whether a defendant is guilty or not. (Cf. grand jury.)
question to interrogate, esp. a witness to or a suspect of a crime. [1/8 definitions]
redirect in law, designating the questioning again of one's own witness after cross-examination has occurred. [1/2 definitions]
Salome a witness to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ who visited his tomb on the morning of his resurrection. [1/2 definitions]
second sight the alleged ability to witness faraway events and foresee the future; clairvoyance.
stand a witness stand in court. [1/16 definitions]
suborn to induce (a witness) to commit perjury in a legal proceeding. [1/2 definitions]
subpoena in law, a formal written order summoning a witness to give testimony or requiring that specified evidence be submitted. [1/2 definitions]
swear by to name (someone or something) as one's witness or guarantee as to the truth of a declaration or the solemnity of a promise. [1/2 definitions]
testify to act as a witness. [2/6 definitions]
voir dire an oath sworn by a prospective witness or juror to tell the truth in an examination by which a court seeks to determine that person's competence to participate in a trial.
witness-box (chiefly British) the place in a court of law from which a witness testifies; witness stand.
witness stand the place in a court of law from which a witness testifies.