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Dictionary Suite
figwort any of various woodland plants that bear loose, branched clusters of small green or purple flowers. [1/2 definitions]
goldenseal a North American woodland plant of the buttercup family, having large round leaves and a thick yellow rootstock and bearing small greenish white flowers. [1/2 definitions]
greenwood a woodland that is lush with green foliage.
herb Paris a European woodland wildflower related to the lily and similar to the trillium, but having four leaves and bearing a four-part, yellow-green flower.
May apple a perennial woodland plant of eastern North America producing a single white flower, a roundish edible fruit, and roots, leaves, and seeds that are poisonous. [1/2 definitions]
pewee either of two small North American woodland flycatchers.
Virginia cowslip a woodland perennial of eastern North America bearing clusters of blue or purple bell-shaped flowers; Virginia bluebell.
wood duck a brightly colored North American duck that nests in trees, often near woodland ponds or lakes.
woodnote a natural musical sound, such as the cry of a woodland bird or hum of an insect.
wood sorrel any of various related, creeping, woodland plants of Europe and North America that have heart-shaped compound leaves, containing oxalic acid, and bear white, pink, or yellow flowers.
wood thrush a large common North American woodland thrush with a reddish head and large dark spots on a white breast, noted for its beautiful song.