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Dictionary Suite
a1 a grade given for excellent academic work. [1/6 definitions]
absentee a person who is absent from work, school, or other duty.
absenteeism habitual or repeated absence from a place where regular attendance is required, such as work or school.
accomplish to do or finish something, especially a thing that needed a lot of work or effort.
achievement something that is completed with success using hard work or skill.
actinomycin any of several antibiotics derived from soil bacteria that work against certain other bacteria and fungi.
active duty the status of full-time service or work, esp. in the military.
Acts of the Apostles the fifth book of the New Testament of the Christian Bible, believed to have been written by Luke, which describes the work of Jesus Christ as it was carried on after his death by his apostles.
adaptable abed to be changed in order to serve a different purpose or work in a new way. [1/2 definitions]
adding machine a machine, often used by businesses, that is able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide, esp. one that prints the work on paper.
advance money paid before work is finished. [1/8 definitions]
aerobic able to work the heart and lungs to help the body use oxygen better.
after-school occurring after school hours, esp. from the time school is over until the end of the work day.
agriculture the science and work of raising crops and farm animals; farming.
Alex Haley a U.S. author celebrated for his pulitzer prize-winning work of historical fiction, Roots: The Saga of an American Family (1976), a publication whose subsequent television broadcast adaptation spawned a national discussion about race and race relations (b.1921--d.1992).
alliance a group of people, countries, or groups that share certain goals and agree to work together.
all-nighter a night spent without sleeping, esp. in order to work on something.
altarpiece a work of art that decorates the area above and behind an altar.
Anne Sullivan a U.S. educator who pioneered techniques for teaching the blind, deaf-blind, and visually impaired through her work with Helen Keller (b.1866--d.1936).
annotate to provide (a written work) with explanatory notes or critical commentary. [2 definitions]
antacid a substance people take to settle an upset stomach. Antacids work by reducing the strength of the acids that cause the upset.