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activate to cause something to start working.
active doing something or able to do something; working; functioning. [1/2 definitions]
Alice Marble U.S. tennis player who won the U.S. tennis championship singles titles four times (1936, 1938-40) prior to working as a spy for U.S. intelligence (b.1913--d.1990).
anemia a physical problem caused by having too few red blood cells or red blood cells that are not working in the right way. People with anemia may feel tired and weak.
antidote a substance that stops poison from working or cures a disease.
A-O.K. (informal) perfectly fine; in excellent working order.
apprenticeship the process of working for another to learn that person's skill or trade, or the act of becoming engaged in this way.
at leisure having free or spare time; not working or otherwise occupied.
attack to start working on with energy and determination; tackle. [1/5 definitions]
automatic working or operating by itself.
backfire to give off a loud explosive noise that means the engine of a car or other vehicle is not working properly. [2/3 definitions]
bench a table for working on, often with space for tools. [1/2 definitions]
bloc an alliance of people, nations, or organizations working together to achieve some legislative or political goal.
blockhouse a structure used to protect people who are working on or watching a rocket launch or weapons test. [1/2 definitions]
blow2 to burst or stop working from being filled or used too much. [1/7 definitions]
blue law any law prohibiting drinking, dancing, working, or doing business on Sunday.
bodybuilder a person who engages in bodybuilding, the process of working to develop large muscles through special diet and exercise.
bodybuilding the process of working to develop large muscles in one's body through the use of special diet and exercise, particularly weightlifting.
break down to stop working.
broken in pieces or not working anymore. [1/2 definitions]
bug a mistake or fault that keeps something from working right. [1/4 definitions]