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barbershop the workplace of a barber. [1/2 definitions]
canteen a small establishment, in a camp or workplace, that sells food, drink, and some hard goods such as grooming or cosmetic supplies. [1/3 definitions]
carpool an arrangement among a group of automobile drivers, such as employees at the same workplace, to take turns driving each other to and from a common destination. [1/3 definitions]
commissary a cafeteria or eating area in a workplace, esp. in a movie or television studio or in a factory. [1/2 definitions]
commute to travel regularly back and forth between two points, usu. the home and workplace. [1/7 definitions]
commuter one who travels regularly between two points, usu. home and workplace.
cooperage the workplace, products, or business of a cooper.
foreman the leader of a group of workers in a factory, shop, or other workplace. [1/2 definitions]
payroll a list of people who are paid at a workplace and the amount of money for each person.
portal-to-portal pay a worker's wages computed from the moment of entering the workplace to the moment of leaving it.
seniority position with respect to entitlement to privileges, achieved through service over time, esp. in a workplace. [1/2 definitions]
sexual harassment the repeated making of unwanted and unsolicited sexual remarks, behaviors, or propositions, especially on the part of one in a position of authority and toward a person of lower status within the same organization, often a workplace.
shutout the condition of being shut out, esp. from a workplace during a labor dispute; lockout. [1/3 definitions]
supervisor a person who is responsible for other people in a workplace.
workaday pertaining to, characteristic of, or suitable for workdays or the workplace. [1/2 definitions]