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adhesive bandage a small piece of cloth or plastic with a sticky material on one side. You use an adhesive bandage to cover a wound and keep it clean.
bandage a piece of cloth used to protect or cover a wound or other injury. [2 definitions]
bind to wrap or cover, as a wound. [1/13 definitions]
bite to cut with the teeth. [1/3 definitions]
bitt a strong post standing, usu. as one of a pair, on the deck of a ship, around which cables and lines are wound and caught, as in mooring. [1/3 definitions]
bobbin a spool on which thread or yarn is wound for use in sewing or weaving.
bruise to wound or damage without causing a break in the skin or bone. [1/3 definitions]
bug bite (informal) the bite or sting of an insect or the resulting wound or swelling.
capstan the revolving spindle in a tape recorder around which magnetic tape is wound and that regulates the speed at which the tape moves. [1/2 definitions]
cicatrix tissue that forms over a fresh wound and eventually contracts into a scar; scar tissue. [1/2 definitions]
coil1 something that is wound into many connected rings.
cop3 a cone-shaped mass of thread wound on a spindle.
crease to make a superficial wound in; graze. [1/6 definitions]
cut the act or result of opening or breaking something with a sharp tool; wound; tear. [1/2 definitions]
dress to treat (a wound) by applying medication, bandages, or other medical preparations. [1/11 definitions]
dressing a bandage or medicine used to cover a wound. [1/3 definitions]
electromagnet an iron or steel core with wire wound around it. It becomes magnetic when an electric current is passed through the wire.
explorer an implement or instrument used to explore a wound, diseased tooth, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
fistula a canal or passage created as a result of a wound, abscess, or the like that opens on the surface of the body or connects two cavities. [1/2 definitions]
flesh wound a wound that does not damage vital organs or bones.
gash a long and deep cut, such as a wound. [1/2 definitions]