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lag screw a heavy wood screw with a hexagonal or square bolt head that is turned by a wrench.
monkey wrench a wrench with one movable jaw that can be adjusted with a screw to fit nuts of various sizes.
socket wrench a box wrench with a rounded socket that fits over a nut or bolt of a particular size and shape.
Stillson wrench trademark for a wrench having a pivoted jaw, affixed to the handle, that tightens around the object it holds as pressure is applied to the handle.
tear2 to snatch or wrench away forcefully. [1/12 definitions]
torque wrench a wrench that indicates how much torque has been applied in tightening a nut, bolt, or the like.
twist to wrench or sprain. [2/18 definitions]
wrest the act of wresting; wrench; twist. [1/3 definitions]