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armlock a wrestling hold in which one uses an arm and hand to lock an opponent's arm at the elbow.
arm-wrestle to engage in arm wrestling.
arm wrestling a contest in which each of two opponents places either the right or the left elbow on a table with the forearm vertical, clasps the opponent's hand, and tries to force the opponent's hand back until it touches the table; Indian wrestling.
bout a match or fight between two people in wrestling or boxing. [1/2 definitions]
fall in wrestling, the act of pinning an opponent's shoulders against the mat for a certain brief length of time. [1/19 definitions]
full nelson in wrestling, a hold in which both arms are pushed under the arms of the opponent from behind and both hands then pressed against the back of the opponent's neck.
grapple a seizing, gripping, or wrestling action. [1/6 definitions]
headlock a wrestling hold in which one opponent's arm is locked around the head of the other.
Indian wrestling a wrestling contest in which two people lie on their backs side by side, but facing in opposite directions, raise and lock their respective near legs, and attempt to force the opponent's leg to the ground. [3 definitions]
lock1 a wrestling hold. [1/10 definitions]
mat1 a pad that is placed on the floor to protect people who are practicing gymnastics, wrestling, or other sports. [1/6 definitions]
matchmaker someone who arranges athletic matches, esp. wrestling or boxing competitions. [1/2 definitions]
nelson any of several wrestling holds in which the arm is passed under that of the opponent from behind and the hand is pressed against his head, neck, or arm.
prelim in sports, a match or other event that takes place before the main event, esp. in wrestling or boxing. [1/2 definitions]
ringside the area or seats closest to a ring, as at a boxing or wrestling match. [1/4 definitions]
roughhouse boisterous or rowdy play or wrestling, esp. when occurring indoors. [2 definitions]
scissors hold a wrestling hold that uses the legs as a clamp.
stranglehold a wrestling hold that cuts off an opponent's breath and that is prohibited in the sport of wrestling. [1/2 definitions]
sumo (sometimes cap.) a kind of Japanese wrestling in which two very large men try to win by forcing each other out of a ring or by causing each other to touch any part of the body other than the bottoms of the feet to the ground.
toehold a wrestling hold in which a competitor's foot is turned or twisted. [1/3 definitions]
wrestle to take part in the sport of wrestling, or to struggle to throw and hold another to the ground. [2/3 definitions]