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add to say or write more than what has been said or written. [1/5 definitions]
address to speak or write to a particular person or group. [2/4 definitions]
alphabet all the letters of a language that you use when you write it. We say or write an alphabet in a special order.
angle1 to write in a manner that will appeal to a specific audience. [1/10 definitions]
answer what you say or write after someone asks you a question; a reply. [1/2 definitions]
apostrophize to speak or write as an address to a usu. absent person or personified object or idea. [1/2 definitions]
Arabic designating, pertaining to, or in the script used to write the Semitic language of the Arabs, or Persian, Urdu, and other languages. [1/3 definitions]
attack to speak or write against; oppose. [1/5 definitions]
autograph to write one's name on. [1/2 definitions]
blog a journal posted on a website that someone regularly write entries in. When people have a blog, they write about personal experiences or opinions, or about particular topics they have special knowledge of or are interested in. The word "blog" is a short form of "Web log."
blogosphere all the blogs on the internet and the people who read and write them.
bloviate to speak or write in a pompous and long-winded manner, often with little substance.
bounce to write (a check or draft) on insufficient funds. [1/10 definitions]
Braille (often l.c.) to write or print using Braille characters. [1/2 definitions]
cap2 to print or write in capital letters. [1/3 definitions]
capitalize to write or print (something) using capital letters or using a capital letter as the initial letter.
carve to form or write by cutting. [1/2 definitions]
chalk a substance made from natural chalk that is formed into round sticks that can be used to write or draw with, especially on a blackboard or on pavement. [2/3 definitions]
check-cashing card a card given by a store. It allows a person to write a check to buy something from that store.
cipher to write (a message) in code. [1/7 definitions]
coauthor to write jointly with one or more other writers. [1/2 definitions]