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Dictionary Suite
absurdist a thinker, writer, or the like who asserts that human existence and behavior are absurd. [1/3 definitions]
Aesop an actual or legendary Greek writer of fables (620?-560? B.C.).
ancient (often pl.) one who lived in ancient times, esp. a writer of the classic civilizations. [1/4 definitions]
annalist a writer of annals.
Augustan a writer during one of the Augustan periods. [1/3 definitions]
author the writer of a book, play, story, or other written work.
Bohemian (often l.c.) a person, such as a writer, artist, or other intellectual, whose lifestyle is unconventional. [2/6 definitions]
Casanova Giovanni Jacopo, an Italian adventurer and writer (1725-98). [1/2 definitions]
chansonnier a French singer and writer, often of satirical or topical songs.
Charles Darwin an English naturalist and writer who developed theories of biological evolution (b.1809--d.1882).
columnist a writer or editor of a regular column or feature in a newspaper or magazine.
comedian an actor or writer of comic works. [1/3 definitions]
emoticon (from emotion icon) a small icon made of punctuation characters and letters that is placed in an e-mail; smiley. An emoticon shows the mood of the writer, such as :-( and :-D
Ernest Hemingway U.S. fiction writer who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954 (b.1899--d.1961).
fantasist one who creates fantasies, esp. a writer of fantasies.
first person in grammar, a category of pronouns, inflections, and the like indicating the writer or speaker of a sentence or the group of which he or she is a member. [1/3 definitions]
Friedrich Engels a German political theorist and writer (b.1820--d.1895).
hack2 one who is hired to do routine or unpleasant tasks, esp. a writer hired to produce uncreative and unimaginative work; drudge. [2/10 definitions]
hatchet man a writer or critic who maliciously attacks people to destroy their reputations. [1/3 definitions]
Henry David Thoreau a U.S. naturalist and writer (b.1817--d.1862).
idealist an artist or writer who conveys an ideal vision of the world. [1/3 definitions]