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barnyard a yard or fenced area next to a barn.
chore a routine task around the house or yard. [1/2 definitions]
courtyard a yard surrounded by buildings or walls.
dinkey a small locomotive, used in a railroad yard to shift or haul cars.
dolly a small train engine used in a railway yard, quarry, or the like. [1/6 definitions]
dooryard a yard at the door of a house.
fore-topgallant of, pertaining to, or denoting the mast, sail, yard, or the like directly above the fore-topmast.
garden the British word for an area around one's home planted with grass, flowers, or other plants. This meaning of "garden" has the same meaning as the American word "yard." [1/3 definitions]
indefinite article either of the articles "a" or "an" in English grammar. These articles do not restrict the noun to a particular person, place or thing. In the sentence, "A dog ran into my yard," the indefinite article "a" is used to show that it could have been any dog, and that a particular dog is not being named.
jackstay a rope or rod along a ship's yard, gaff, or boom to which one edge of a sail is fastened. [2/3 definitions]
junkyard a yard or lot in which junk is collected, kept, and sold. Old metal and cars are often found in a junkyard.
lateen of or designating a triangular sail that is hung on a long, sloping yard, which is in turn attached at an angle to a short mast. [1/2 definitions]
lugsail a four-sided sail lacking a boom, the upper edge of which is supported by a yard that crosses the mast obliquely.
piece goods goods, esp. fabrics, made in a standard width and sold by linear measure; yard goods.
pigpen a yard or cage where pigs are kept.
pigsty a yard or cage in which pigs are kept; pigpen. [1/2 definitions]
spar1 a strong pole, esp. one that supports sails on a ship, such as the mast, boom, gaff, or yard. [1/3 definitions]
square sail a four-sided sail rigged on a yard that is horizontal to the mast and athwart the keel of a sailing vessel.
sq. yd. abbreviation of "square yard," or "square yards."
switchyard a railroad yard where railroad cars are moved from one track to another by means of a series of switches.
truck1 a flat, wheeled platform often used for transporting loads in a freight yard or warehouse. [1/8 definitions]