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aedes see "yellow fever mosquito."
agrimony any of various related plants of the rose family that have compound feathery leaves and bear long clusters of small yellow flowers on spiky stalks, and a prickly fruit. [1/2 definitions]
aloe any of a genus of mostly African plants that have thick, jagged leaves and bear red or yellow flowers. [1/2 definitions]
alyssum any of a group of weedy low-growing plants of the mustard family, having tiny white or yellow four-petaled flowers borne on branched stalks. [1/2 definitions]
amber a hard, yellow or brown material that is used to make jewelry. It is a fossil that comes from the resin of pine trees. [1/2 definitions]
apple a firm, round fruit with red, green, or yellow skin. Apples grow on trees.
apricot a soft round fruit with fuzzy orange-pink or yellow skin. [1/3 definitions]
araroba a bitter yellow medicinal powder obtained from cavities in the trunk of a Brazilian tree; Goa powder. [1/2 definitions]
arbovirus any of a number of viruses that are transmitted by certain blood-sucking arthropods such as mosquitoes and ticks and that may cause encephalitis, yellow fever, or dengue fever.
arnica a medicinal plant of the aster family, having bright yellow, rayed blossoms. [1/2 definitions]
arsenic a poisonous substance that is one of the chemical elements. It can be either grayish white, yellow, or black. (symbol: As)
asphodel any of several flowering plants related to lilies, with tall spikes bearing clusters of usu. yellow or white flowers.
aster a plant with white, pink, blue, or purple flowers. The flowers are made up of many narrow petals around a yellow center.
banana a long, curved, soft fruit with a thick yellow skin. Bananas grow in bunches on tropical trees.
barberry any of various shrubs, often spiny, that have leathery leaves and bear clustered yellow flowers and small ovoid red-orange berries.
Bartlett a large yellow juicy variety of pear.
basswood any of several types of linden tree, esp. the American linden, characterized by a yearly bloom of fragrant yellow flowers. [1/2 definitions]
Bermuda onion any of several large mild-flavored onions with a white or yellow flesh, grown in Bermuda and the southern United States.
bignonia any of various tropical American woody vines that bear trumpet-shaped red or yellow flowers.
bilirubin a reddish-yellow pigment that is formed from the breakdown of heme. Elevated levels in blood are responsible for the yellow color in bruises and in jaundice.
bioflavonoid any of a group of yellow hydrocarbon pigments found in many flowers and fruits, once thought to be important as a vitamin in humans; vitamin P.