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accept to say yes when someone wants to give you something. [1/2 definitions]
affirmative saying yes; affirming.
agree to say yes; consent. [1/3 definitions]
agreeable ready to say yes or give permission. [1/2 definitions]
all right yes; OK. [1/3 definitions]
approve to say that you accept something; to say yes to something. [1/2 definitions]
aye yes. [2 definitions]
certainly yes, indeed; of course. [1/2 definitions]
OK1 all right; yes. [1/3 definitions]
oui (French) yes.
positive saying or meaning "yes." [1/4 definitions]
si2 (Spanish and Italian) yes.
sirree (informal) sir (used for emphasis after "yes" or "no").
surely yes, indeed; certainly. [1/5 definitions]
yea yes (used orally to indicate formal affirmation or agreement). [1/5 definitions]
yeah (informal) yes.
yep (informal) yes.
yup (informal) yes.