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chalaza one of two spiral strands of albumen that connect the yolk of an egg to the shell membrane and help keep the yolk centrally suspended.
glaze in cooking, to apply an edible coating to, as of sugar or egg yolk. [1/9 definitions]
hollandaise sauce a rich, creamy sauce made of egg yolk, lemon juice, and butter, usu. served over vegetables or fish.
lecithin any of a group of fatty substances containing phosphorus that are found in all animal and plant tissues and in egg yolk. [1/2 definitions]
soft-boiled of an egg, boiled so that the yolk or white remains soft. (Cf. hard-boiled.) [1/2 definitions]
sunny side up of an egg, fried on one side, with the yolk unbroken.
tempera a painting medium using pigments mixed with a glutinous substance such as egg yolk, glue, or gum. [1/2 definitions]
vitellus an egg yolk.
yellow the color of an egg yolk or ripe lemon; the color between orange and green on the spectrum. [1/7 definitions]