Dictionary Suite



k lo ni l
parts of speech:
adjective, noun
Word Combinations (adjective, noun), Word Explorer, Word Parts
part of speech: adjective
definition 1: of or pertaining to a territory ruled by a distant country; of or pertaining to a colony or colonies.
India and South Africa were once part of the British colonial empire.
definition 2: of or pertaining to the thirteen British colonies that became the United States, or to the period before they achieved independence.
Colonial laws in America were based on the laws of England.These buildings date back to colonial times.George III of Great Britain was king during the latter part of the colonial period.
definition 3: (cap.) of or pertaining to the architectural and decorative styles associated with the colonial period of the United States.
definition 4: in ecology, composed of or forming a group of the same species living closely together; composed of or forming a colony or colonies.
Bumble bees live within a colonial social structure.
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part of speech: noun
definition: an inhabitant or member of a colony.
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derivation: colonially (adv.)
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