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Dictionary Suite
plenitude abundance; fullness. [1/2 definitions]
prolific producing young or new growth in abundance; fertile. [2 definitions]
pullulate to exist in abundance; teem; swarm. [1/3 definitions]
repletion the condition of being replete; abundance or fullness. [1/2 definitions]
rich having an abundance of nutrients or natural resources. [1/8 definitions]
riches valuable or precious goods in abundance. [1/2 definitions]
shower1 to bestow in abundance. [1/11 definitions]
spew to be ejected or discharged with force, in abundance, or the like. [1/5 definitions]
store large quantity; abundance. [1/7 definitions]
teem to have in abundance; swarm (usu. fol. by "with").
verdure an abundance of green, flourishing vegetation. [1/2 definitions]
waxy made of, covered with, or having an abundance of wax. [1/2 definitions]
wealth a large amount or abundance. [1/2 definitions]