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emeritus one who has retired but who continues to hold an honorary title from his or her profession, usu. in an academic or religious institution. [1/2 definitions]
exam (informal) an examination, such as an academic test or physical checkup.
extracurricular outside the regular curriculum of a school, or outside of academic pursuits in a school. [1/2 definitions]
f a grade given for failing or unsatisfactory academic work. [1/4 definitions]
final (often pl.) the last examination of an academic course, usually covering all the material taught. [1/6 definitions]
grade point average a measure of academic achievement arrived at by dividing the total number of grade points earned by a student during a particular period by the total number of credits the student attempted.
graduate one who has completed academic requirements and obtained a degree or diploma. [1/6 definitions]
heresy any opinion or belief that challenges deeply established social, academic, political, or religious views. [1/3 definitions]
hood an ornamental fold or draping of cloth attached to the shoulders of academic and ecclesiastical gowns. [1/6 definitions]
laboratory a period of time during which students are assigned to use a laboratory for study, practice, or experimentation as part of an academic course. [1/4 definitions]
licentiate in certain European universities, an academic degree just below that of a doctor. [1/3 definitions]
mark1 a grade in an academic course or on an assignment or test. [1/16 definitions]
medievalism the academic study of the Middle Ages. [1/3 definitions]
midyear the middle part of a fiscal, academic, or calendar year. [1/3 definitions]
mortarboard a cap that has a flat, square, boardlike top and a tassel and is worn in academic ceremonies such as graduations. [1/2 definitions]
nonacademic combined form of academic.
noncredit of an educational course of study, not offering credit toward an academic degree.
p a grade given for satisfactory or passing academic work. [1/3 definitions]
Phi Beta Kappa a national honor society whose members are chosen annually from among undergraduates in the arts and sciences who have achieved academic distinction. [1/2 definitions]
postdoctoral of or relating to academic work or study beyond the doctoral degree.
prelim (informal) a short academic test that comes before, and often prepares one for, a longer, more significant test; preliminary examination. [1/2 definitions]