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chi2 vital energy that, according to Taoist and other Chinese philosophies, is inherent in all things and whose free and balanced flow around the body is the basis of good health.
chronological according to the sequence in which things happen. [1/2 definitions]
chronology a chronological list or table, arranged according to the sequence in which things happened. [1/3 definitions]
classified advertising advertising, usu. brief, that is arranged in columns according to subject in a newspaper or magazine.
color-code to organize, classify, or designate according to color.
comme il faut (French) according to convention; as it should be; properly.
commodity dollar a proposed unit of currency whose value would vary according to an official index of key commodity prices.
coordinate to order or organize according to a common goal. [1/11 definitions]
customary done or practiced according to custom or tradition; usual. [1/3 definitions]
customize to make or change according to the specifications of the customer.
cyclone a device using centrifugal force to separate materials according to their density; centrifuge. [1/2 definitions]
Dan according to the Old Testament, the fifth son of Jacob. [1/2 definitions]
Daniel according to the Old Testament, a Hebrew prophet employed at the Babylonian court who was cast into a lions' den as a punishment for disobedience, but emerged unharmed. [1/2 definitions]
David according to the Old Testament, the second king of Israel, a shepherd as a youth who killed the giant Goliath, and reputedly the author of many of the Psalms.
de jure according to the law; by right. (Cf. de facto.)
Delilah according to the Old Testament, Samson's mistress, who cut off his hair, which was the source of his superhuman strength, and delivered him to his enemies the Philistines.
derail to cause not to go according to plan. [1/3 definitions]
dropout someone who rejects the dominant values of society and tries to live according to different ones. [1/2 definitions]
Eden according to the Old Testament, the garden in which Adam and Eve, the first humans, lived in a state of perfection; Garden of Eden; paradise. [1/2 definitions]
Elijah according to the Old Testament, a Hebrew prophet of the ninth century B.C.
empyrean the heavenly realm of pure fire or light, according to the ancients. [1/3 definitions]