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Elijah according to the Old Testament, a Hebrew prophet of the ninth century B.C.
empyrean the heavenly realm of pure fire or light, according to the ancients. [1/3 definitions]
Esau according to the Old Testament, the firstborn son of Isaac and Rebecca who sold his birthright to his brother Jacob.
estate (chiefly British) a piece of land where the houses or other buildings, often all similar in type, are built together according to a plan; housing development; housing project. [1/4 definitions]
Esther according to the Old Testament, the Jewish wife of a Persian king who saved her people from slaughter. [1/2 definitions]
ethnic pertaining to the origin or classification of groups according to criteria such as culture, race, religion, nationality, or language. [1/3 definitions]
evangelical relating to or according to the Christian gospel, esp. the four Gospels. [1/4 definitions]
Eve according to the Old Testament, the first woman, who was created by God from a rib of Adam, the first man.
execute to make according to a design or plan. [1/4 definitions]
Ezekiel according to the Old Testament, a major Hebrew prophet of the sixth century B.C. [1/2 definitions]
fair1 according to the rules; legitimate. [1/12 definitions]
float to allow (a currency) to change in value according to supply and demand. [1/14 definitions]
folk etymology a change made in a word or phrase according to a false notion as to its origin or derivation.
follow one's nose to move or act according to instinct.
formula made according to or being a formula. [1/6 definitions]
fourth dimension the dimension of time, required according to the theory of relativity to completely specify an event in space-time.
Freedom Rider any of the American civil rights activists who participated in the Freedom Rides, which highlighted and challenged racial discrimination in the United States in the early 1960s. Freedom Riders made bus trips through southern states, demonstrating that public facilities that should have been desegregated according to law were not in fact desegregated. Freedom Riders encountered intense violence along their journeys and many suffered arrest by the police.
Gabriel according to the Bible, an angel regarded as a messenger of God and the bearer of good news, who in later writings is referred to as an archangel.
genetic code the rules governing the order in which amino acids are added to a nascent protein as it is being synthesized according to the order of nucleotides in DNA and RNA molecules.
geologic of, pertaining to, or according to geology.
Godiva an eleventh-century English noblewoman who, according to legend, rode naked through the streets of Coventry to win relief for the people from a burdensome tax; Lady Godiva.