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notch to score or achieve (a win or the like). [1/7 definitions]
outachieve combined form of achieve.
overreach to fail to achieve by attempting too much or by reaching too far. [1/6 definitions]
patent leather leather that is treated in a formerly patented process to achieve a hard, glossy, usu. black finish.
Pelagian of or concerning a doctrine, condemned as heresy by the Roman Catholic Church in 416 A.D., that denies original sin and asserts one's ability to achieve salvation through virtuous acts of free will.
physical tolerance a bodily state in which, with repeated exposure to a drug over time, a higher dose of the drug is required to achieve the same effect.
poetic license any deviation from logic, fact, or convention that is made by a writer or other artist in order to achieve a particular effect.
process a systematic sequence of actions used to produce something or achieve an end. [1/9 definitions]
pull strings to use one's influence to achieve something desired.
reflex camera a camera fitted with a mirror behind the lens which reflects the image onto a ground glass plate to achieve an exact focus.
Sadhana (Sanskrit) in Hinduism, a dedicated effort to achieve a goal or reach a desired outcome, esp. pertaining to spiritual development.
self-actualize to achieve one's full potential.
set piece a literary, musical, or other artistic work, or part of such a work, that aims to achieve certain effects, esp. technically impressive ones. [1/2 definitions]
squeeze play (informal) the tactic of exerting pressure to achieve a goal or obtain a concession. [1/2 definitions]
strategy a plan, method, or series of actions designed to achieve a specific goal or effect. [1/3 definitions]
subserve to be useful in attempting to achieve (a purpose or goal).
succeed to attain what is desired or intended, or to achieve an outcome that is considered positive. [1/4 definitions]
sweep to achieve total victory in. [1/16 definitions]
terrace a row of houses or other buildings erected on raised ground or on a slope, or built to achieve a large architectural effect. [1/6 definitions]
terrorist one who uses violence, torture, or physical intimidation to achieve one's ends, esp. one's political ends. [1/2 definitions]
tokenism the policy or practice of making only minimal or symbolic efforts to achieve some social or political goal such as racial integration or sex equality.