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capsid the outer protein shell of a virus particle that surrounds its nucleic acid.
carbolated containing or treated with carbolic acid.
carbolize to treat or sterilize with carbolic acid.
carbonate in chemistry, a salt or ester of carbonic acid. [1/3 definitions]
carbonic acid a weak colorless unstable acid, present only in solution, formed by dissolving carbon dioxide in water.
cevitamic acid ascorbic acid.
chlorate in chemistry, a salt of chloric acid.
chloride in chemistry, a salt of hydrochloric acid consisting of chlorine and one other element.
chlorite2 any of various salts of chlorous acid.
cholinesterase an enzyme found in the heart, brain, and blood that hydrolyzes acetylcholine to acetic acid and choline, to block the transmission of nerve impulses.
chromate a salt or uncharged ester of chromic acid.
chromic acid an acid containing chromium that exists only in solution or in the form of its salts.
citrate in chemistry, a salt or ester of citric acid.
citric acid an acid derived from the juice of the lime, lemon, or pineapple or from the fermentation of sugars, often used as a flavoring.
corrosive a substance capable of causing corrosion, such as an acid. [1/3 definitions]
cowberry a low creeping evergreen with white or pink flowers and edible, acid red berries.
cyanamide a caustic, white, unstable compound prepared by the reaction of calcium cyanamide with sulfuric acid and used in chemical production.
cyanate a salt or ester of cyanic acid.
cyanic acid a colorless, poisonous, volatile acid with a pronounced odor of almonds.
cysteine a sulfur-containing, semi-essential amino acid occurring in proteins. One cysteine within a protein can react with another to form a disulfide bond.
dibasic designating an acid having two replaceable hydrogen atoms. [1/2 definitions]