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in effigy using an effigy or replica of someone, rather than the actual person.
in person in one's actual physical presence.
inventory the actual items referred to on such a list, collectively, esp. merchandise or materials in stock. [1/5 definitions]
irony the use of such contrast in drama, as between the actual situation and what the characters understand or say about it, to create suspense or comedy. [1/3 definitions]
layout an arrangement, design, or plan as shown either by laying its components out in a drawing or model, or by the structure itself on its actual site. [1/4 definitions]
lovelorn suffering because of the absence of an actual or desired lover.
magnify to increase the actual size of; enlarge. [1/4 definitions]
money of account a monetary denomination or unit used in keeping accounts, esp. one that does not correspond to actual paper money or coin, such as the U.S. mill.
nature the actual appearance of something. [1/9 definitions]
negation the absence, opposite, or negative of that which is actual or affirmative. [1/2 definitions]
note a piece of printed paper that represents money, esp. actual paper currency. [1/11 definitions]
overrun an instance in which, or the amount by which, actual costs exceed estimated costs. [1/7 definitions]
pragmatic concerned with actual causes and effects rather than abstract theories or ideas; practical. [1/4 definitions]
prolepsis the placing of a person or event into a time period earlier than the actual one. [1/2 definitions]
punitive damages compensation awarded to a plaintiff in excess of actual damages as a means of punishing the defendant for willful wrongdoing; exemplary damages.
real1 not fictional or imagined; having actual existence; true. [1/6 definitions]
realistic of or based upon what is actual or feasible. [1/2 definitions]
reality the state or quality of being actual or real. [4 definitions]
real time the actual time in which an event occurs, esp. one being reported simultaneously with its occurrence. [2 definitions]
roman à clef novel with a key (French); a fictionalized account of actual people and events.
Sacramentarian one who believes that the Eucharist represents Jesus Christ only symbolically and is not an actual manifestation of his presence. [1/4 definitions]