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fortify to provide additional strength, resistance, or energy to; reinforce or invigorate. [1/5 definitions]
get back to to resume communication with (someone) on a particular subject, usually bringing new or additional information. [1/2 definitions]
High Mass a Catholic mass in which parts of the text are sung by the celebrant, often with additional music, incense, and ceremony. (Cf. Low Mass.)
home front the civilian population or location during a time of war abroad conceived of an assisting force or as an additional theater of war in which the "combatants" do not actually fight but engage in activities that support those who do.
interleaf an additional leaf or page, usu. blank, that is bound between other pages of a book, often for a reader to make notes on.
interpolate to insert (an additional or extraneous element) between things or parts. [1/4 definitions]
Lebensraum space for living (German); additional land or territory desired by a nation for its political and economic expansion.
leeway additional time, space, or freedom to pursue, accomplish, or decide something. [1/2 definitions]
mongolism (outdated; no longer in scientific use; sometimes cap.) the abnormal condition of a person born with an additional chromosome, characterized by a flattened skull, slanted eyes, often decreased mental facility, and partial deafness; Down's syndrome.
moonlight (informal) to work at a job additional to one's full-time job. [1/4 definitions]
more extra; additional. [2/9 definitions]
motherboard the main printed circuit board of a personal computer, which holds chips containing the central processing unit, memory, ports, and the integrated circuits that control the keyboard and other standard peripheral devices, and to which additional circuit boards can be attached.
not to mention and in addition (used to mention an additional thing that is equal to, greater, or more obvious than the first thing mentioned, despite saying that one need not mention it. This additional thing may have just been remembered by the speaker or was previously felt unnecessary to say).
or used to indicate an additional item in a negative statement. [1/5 definitions]
other additional or more. [2/14 definitions]
piece to extend or complete with additional material (often fol. by "out"). [1/10 definitions]
P.P.S. abbreviation of "post postscriptum" (Latin); a second or additional postscript.
reconsider to spend additional time on a decision; deliberate again. [1/4 definitions]
refinance to obtain additional money or credit from. [2 definitions]
reinforce to strengthen (a military force or the like) through the use of additional personnel or material support. [1/3 definitions]
renew to extend for an additional period. [1/6 definitions]