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Pretoria the administrative capital of South Africa. (Cf. Bloemfontein, Cape Town.)
principal's office the administrative office of the head of a school, sometimes seen particularly as the place where disciplinary action is carried out or where decisions with regard to discipline are made and announced.
province one of the administrative divisions of a country or empire. [1/4 definitions]
provost in some colleges and universities, the chief administrative officer. [1/3 definitions]
quaestor an official of ancient Rome who performed various administrative and financial tasks.
quarter sessions a U.S. court with limited jurisdiction in criminal cases that sometimes has local administrative powers. [1/2 definitions]
rank1 (pl.) the persons who make up an organization, esp. the military, except for the officers or those in high administrative positions. [1/10 definitions]
regime a social, managerial, or administrative pattern. [1/3 definitions]
regional having reference to defined political and administrative units. [1/3 definitions]
regionalism an administrative principle of dividing an area into definable regions and subjecting these regions to local control. [1/3 definitions]
-ric administrative region or body; jurisdiction.
Roman Curia the administrative, judicial, and executive offices of the papal see that compose the government of the Roman Catholic Church. [1/2 definitions]
seat an administrative center. [1/9 definitions]
secretary a person who works for a business, an institution, or an individual at such administrative tasks as managing correspondence, keeping records, and scheduling meetings and appointments. [1/4 definitions]
sergeant major a noncommissioned officer who serves as chief administrative assistant in a military headquarters. [1/3 definitions]
shire in Great Britain, a territorial administrative division; county.
supervisor an elected local administrative official. [1/2 definitions]
town hall a building that houses the administrative offices of a town and often the meeting room of the town governing body.
trusteeship the administrative control of territory given to a country by the United Nations. [1/2 definitions]
vicar-general an administrative aide to a bishop or other ecclesiastical officer in a church. [1/2 definitions]
ward an administrative district of some cities or towns. [1/5 definitions]