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nolo contendere in law, a plea entered in a criminal case that the charges will not be contested, thus allowing the defendant's conviction without any admission of guilt.
nonadmission combined form of admission.
open door free and unrestricted admission or access; unhindered opportunity. [1/2 definitions]
open sesame any effective means of gaining admission or achieving success. [1/2 definitions]
postulant a person who has applied for admission to a religious order. [1/2 definitions]
preadmission combined form of admission.
readmission combined form of admission.
ticket a small, usu. narrow slip of thin cardboard or paper, serving as evidence of prepayment of the fare, fee, or admission price of some event, service, or the like. [2/10 definitions]
waiting list a list of persons or applicants who are waiting for something such as a vacancy for college admission or an item in short supply.