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inside track an advantage in competition. [1/2 definitions]
interest concern for one's own security or advantage; self-interest. [1/7 definitions]
loophole a way of avoiding or escaping a requirement, regulation, or the like, esp. by taking advantage of an omission or ambiguity in the written text of a legal contract or other document. [1/3 definitions]
lose to fail to use or take advantage of; waste or miss. [1/10 definitions]
make hay while the sun shines to take advantage of an opportunity or get necessary work done while conditions are favorable.
maneuver to change position or location to gain an advantage. [1/5 definitions]
manipulate to tamper with or adjust to one's own advantage, esp. by devious means. [1/3 definitions]
miss1 to fail to get or take advantage of. [1/10 definitions]
miss the boat to fail to take advantage of a good opportunity.
odds the advantage held by one side or participant in a competition. [1/4 definitions]
one-upmanship the method, practice, or habit of always trying to surpass or gain an advantage over others so as not to be bettered.
one-way providing advantage to one party alone. [1/3 definitions]
opportunism an act or the habitual practice of taking advantage of situations for one's own ends without considering principles or the effects on others.
opportunist one who tends to take advantage of situations to serve his or her own ends, especially without regard for others or of principles.
opportunistic seeking or taking advantage of situations to serve one's own ends, especially without regard for others or for principles.
outflank to get around or win an advantage over. [1/2 definitions]
outfox to outwit or gain the advantage over through cunning; outsmart.
outmaneuver to gain an advantage over, by clever maneuvering. [1/2 definitions]
outsmart to gain the advantage of by cleverness; outwit.
outwit to gain the advantage over by using one's wits, cleverness, or cunning.
parley to build on or take advantage of (something) so that it becomes something greater or yields a desired object. [1/3 definitions]