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angiogram an x-ray image of blood vessels that is taken after injecting a substance that absorbs x-rays into the blood.
answer a reply, or the information that is sought after. [1/9 definitions]
anvil a heavy, flat-topped metal block on which metal objects, often after heating, are hammered into shapes. [1/3 definitions]
any even a very small amount of (used after a negative). [1/7 definitions]
appositive in grammar, a word, phrase, or clause that functions as a noun and is placed, without a conjunction, immediately after a noun or noun equivalent that refers to the same person, place, or thing, such as "a devoted scholar" in "my mother, a devoted scholar". [1/2 definitions]
arpeggio the playing of each note in a musical chord rapidly, one after the other rather than simultaneously. [1/2 definitions]
arteriography examination of the arteries by x-ray after injection with a radiopaque dye.
ascension (cap.) in Christian theology, the bodily ascent of Jesus Christ to heaven, after his death. [2/3 definitions]
ash1 the soft residue that remains after combustion. [1/3 definitions]
asking price the price or cost of an item for sale (used by a seller usu. to indicate a willingness to accept less money after bargaining).
aspire to want strongly; have as an aim (usu. fol. by "to" "after," or an infinitive).
as soon as no later than the time that, or immediately after the moment that.
astringent a cosmetic aid, used after washing the face to contract the pores. [1/4 definitions]
asynchronous in computing, having each operation start after the preceding operation is complete. [1/2 definitions]
atavism the reappearance of a biological characteristic in an organism after it has not appeared for several generations, or an organism displaying such a characteristic. [2 definitions]
atavistic of a trait, behavior, or the like, existing or playing a role at an earlier stage or time and recurring or reappearing within an organism or within a society after long absence or seeming disappearance.
a tempo in the same tempo as before (used as a musical direction after a slower or faster passage).
at last after a long time or wait; finally.
atresia the normal breakdown of mature ovarian follicles that occurs after ovulation. [1/2 definitions]
average out to reach a median state or level, esp. after a period of fluctuation or extremity. [1/2 definitions]
back-to-back following immediately after another; in consecutive order. [1/2 definitions]