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cathartic a purgative agent, esp. a laxative. [1/2 definitions]
causative having an effect; serving as an agent or cause (often fol. by "of"). [1/3 definitions]
cautery something, such as a caustic agent or a very hot or very cold instrument, used to burn or sear and thus to destroy unwanted tissue. [1/2 definitions]
cesium a salt compound of cesium and chlorine used in medicine and research as a high-density purification agent; cesium chloride. [1/2 definitions]
chloral hydrate a colorless crystalline compound used mainly as a hypnotic or sedative agent.
chloride of lime a white powder made from chlorine and slaked lime and used as a bleaching or disinfecting agent; chlorinated lime.
coagulant a substance that causes fluid to thicken; agent of coagulation.
coke a residue consisting primarily of carbon that is left after coal has been heated in the absence of air, used as an industrial fuel and reducing agent. [1/2 definitions]
commission a sum of money given to an agent or salesperson for services. [1/9 definitions]
consign to send or present (merchandise) to an agent to be sold or stored. [1/4 definitions]
consignment something consigned, esp. goods consigned to an agent for sale. [1/2 definitions]
coolant an agent used to keep the temperature of a system below a certain level, as by drawing off heat.
counteragent combined form of agent.
county agent a person employed by the government in rural areas to advise and educate in farming, managing natural resources, home economics, and the like; agricultural agent.
decongestant a medical agent that reduces congestion, as in sinuses or nasal passages.
delegate to appoint or send as an agent or representative. [1/3 definitions]
digestive any remedy or agent that aids digestion. [1/3 definitions]
drier1 a drying agent, as in paint, ink, varnish, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
ecbolic an ecbolic agent or drug. [1/2 definitions]
emissary an agent sent to represent, or engage in some activity such as negotiations on behalf of, another person or group, esp. a government.
envoy an agent or messenger, esp. a diplomat.