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envoy an agent or messenger, esp. a diplomat.
estate agent (chiefly British) one whose job is to help clients buy, sell, lease, or manage real estate; real estate agent.
explosive a substance that is capable of causing an explosion, esp. an agent prepared for that purpose, such as dynamite. [1/3 definitions]
expose to subject (living beings) to the action of some substance or agent, such as radiation. [1/7 definitions]
factor one who works as an agent for another. [1/4 definitions]
factorage the fee or commission given to a person who acts as an agent for someone else. [1/2 definitions]
farina meal or flour made from cereal grains, used for cooked cereal or pudding, or as a thickening agent in soup.
febrifuge a medicine or agent that reduces fever. [1/2 definitions]
ferment to act on as a fermenting agent. [1/8 definitions]
fermentation the chemical act or process, caused by a fermenting agent, of converting a carbohydrate into alcohol, acids, and other compounds, as yeast converts the sugar in grape juice into alcohol, producing wine. [1/2 definitions]
fertilizer something or someone that acts as a fertilizing agent. [1/2 definitions]
fiduciary a person who is legally entrusted with the assets or powers of another, to be used in the other's best interest; trustee; agent. [1/3 definitions]
flack a press agent or other person employed to speak on one's behalf.
formaldehyde a colorless, water-soluble gas of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen, with a strong, irritating odor, used in the manufacture of various resins, dyes, and plastics and as a disinfectant and embalming agent.
fulcrum that which other things are contingent upon or built around; a pivotal point or agent. [1/2 definitions]
fungicide a chemical agent or treatment used to kill fungi.
ghost to write (a book such as an autobiography) under the name of and as the agent for another person; ghostwrite. [1/7 definitions]
ghostwriter someone who writes one or more books, speeches, or the like under the name of and as the agent for another person.
G-man an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; government man.
headhunter (informal) an agent that recruits executives, technical experts, and the like for client companies. [1/2 definitions]
hemostat an instrument or agent that slows or stops bleeding.