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alveolar of or pertaining to small cavities such as the terminal air sacs of the lungs or the cells of a honeycomb. [1/4 definitions]
alveolus a small cavity or pit, such as one of the terminal air sacs of the lungs or one cell of a honeycomb. [1/2 definitions]
anaerobe any of various microorganisms, such as certain bacteria, that are capable of living without air or oxygen.
antiaircraft designed for defense, esp. by ground-based weapons, against enemy air attack. [2 definitions]
areaway a sunken area in front of basement doors or windows allowing access from outside, or permitting light and air to pass through. [1/2 definitions]
Argand burner an oil or gas burner having a metal tube inside a cylindrical wick, through which air is conducted directly to the flame.
artificial respiration the resumption or continuation of a person's breathing, as by forcing air into and out of the person's lungs.
aspirate in phonetics, to pronounce (a speech sound) with an audible release or rush of air, as the "h" in "helium" or the "p" in "pickle". [2/5 definitions]
atmosphere the air of a particular place. [1/3 definitions]
autogiro an aircraft that is pulled forward by a conventional propeller and held up in the air by a large horizontal rotor mounted on top of the fuselage.
backwash in aeronautical terminology, air that a propeller, jet engine, or the like pushes toward the rear of an airplane. [1/4 definitions]
ball lightning a rare form of lightning manifested in the form of a glowing reddish ball, approximately six inches to a foot in diameter, that moves rapidly along the ground or in the air until it disintegrates.
balloon a large bag made of thin material designed to inflate and be lifted off the ground when filled with hot air or a gas that is lighter than air. [2/8 definitions]
balloon tire a wide tire with deep walls that is inflated with relatively low air pressure to cushion shocks or facilitate travel on sand.
BB a small shot of .18 inch diameter, used in an air rifle or air pistol.
BB gun an air gun that shoots BB shot.
bellows (used with a sing. or pl. verb) a device with a flexible, valved air chamber that can be expanded to draw in air and compressed to expel it through a nozzle, used to blow air on a fire or to sound a musical instrument. [1/3 definitions]
Bessemer process a process for making steel by blasting hot compressed air through molten pig iron to remove impurities.
blackout the extinguishing or hiding of all the lights of a city or region, as in a power failure or air raid. [1/4 definitions]
blade a thin, flat part of a device or mechanism that pushes something such as air or water as it moves. [1/6 definitions]
blast furnace a large, vertical furnace in which metal, esp. iron, is smelted from ore by means of heat intensified by a blast of air forced in at the bottom.