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Dictionary Suite
air-to-air of a missile or the like, designed to be shot by an aircraft at an aerial target.
airway a route of passage for an aircraft. [1/3 definitions]
amidships in or toward the middle of a ship or aircraft. [2 definitions]
astern behind a boat or aircraft. [2 definitions]
astrodome a transparent dome mounted on the top of an aircraft fuselage to facilitate the use of navigational or astronomical instruments.
autogiro an aircraft that is pulled forward by a conventional propeller and held up in the air by a large horizontal rotor mounted on top of the fuselage.
automatic pilot an instrument that automatically keeps an aircraft, missile, or the like on a predetermined course at a specific altitude. [1/2 definitions]
aviator someone who flies an aircraft; pilot.
aviatrix a woman who flies an aircraft; pilot.
AWACS an aircraft fitted with a radome and carrying sophisticated radar and computer equipment, used for reconnaissance and for directing ground forces, or a warning system employing such aircraft (acronym for "Airborne Warning and Control System").
barrage balloon one of a number of anchored balloons from which wires or nets are suspended to discourage low-flying enemy aircraft from attacking military installations or cities.
barrel roll a maneuver in which an aircraft completes one spiral revolution around its lengthwise axis, without changing direction of flight.
blimp an aircraft having a nonrigid structure filled with a buoyant gas; dirigible.
bombardier one who operates the bombsight and bomb-release mechanism in a bomber aircraft.
bombsight a device in aircraft that is used to aim bombs.
buzz to fly over very low in an aircraft. [1/8 definitions]
carrier a very large naval vessel equipped with a flight deck; aircraft carrier. [1/6 definitions]
catapult a device for launching aircraft where runway space is severely limited, as on an aircraft carrier deck. [1/5 definitions]
chute3 to drop by parachute from an aircraft. [1/3 definitions]
come down of an airplane or other aircraft, to crash or make an emergency landing. [1/9 definitions]
corridor a predetermined route of passage for aircraft. [1/3 definitions]