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own belonging to oneself or itself alone. [1/2 definitions]
privacy the condition of being alone or away from the view of other people.
retire to go away to be alone or find shelter. [1/3 definitions]
retreat a quiet place for resting, thinking, or being alone. [1/5 definitions]
sanctum a private place where one can go to be alone and undisturbed; retreat. [1/2 definitions]
secluded set apart from other people; alone. [1/2 definitions]
sense perception perception by bodily senses, such as sight and hearing, rather than by the intellect alone.
separate standing alone; independent. [1/9 definitions]
single-handed alone and without help. [1/2 definitions]
single-handedly alone and without assistance.
social living in groups or communities instead of alone. [1/5 definitions]
sole1 single and alone; only.
solely without any others; alone. [1/2 definitions]
soliloquy an act of talking or a speech by one who is, or is considered to be, alone.
solitaire any of various card games played by one person alone. [1/2 definitions]
solitary being, traveling, or living without others; alone. [1/3 definitions]
solo done by one person alone and without help. [2/5 definitions]
stand-up consisting of a comic performance done alone on stage, or characterized by the presenting of such performances. [1/4 definitions]
static in physics, having effect by means of weight alone, rather than friction and weight. [1/6 definitions]
tarboosh a tasseled, fezlike cap of cloth or felt worn by Muslim men either alone or beneath a turban.
T-shirt a soft, informal shirt with short sleeves and no buttons. It is often worn alone or under another shirt.