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pontiff a member of the highest college of priests in ancient Rome. [1/3 definitions]
prefect any of various officials appointed to high civil or military administrative or judicial posts in France, Italy, or ancient Rome. [1/3 definitions]
publican a tax or toll collector in ancient Rome. [1/2 definitions]
quaestor an official of ancient Rome who performed various administrative and financial tasks.
rogation in ancient Rome, a law proposed by a tribune or consul for acceptance or rejection by the people. [1/2 definitions]
Roman of, pertaining to, or characteristic of modern or ancient Rome or its people, culture, or the like. [1/7 definitions]
Roman calendar the lunar calendar used in ancient Rome prior to the adoption of the Julian calendar.
Roman Empire the territories ruled by ancient Rome, extending from Britain to North Africa and Asia Minor. [1/2 definitions]
scutum a large shield used by infantrymen in ancient Rome. [1/2 definitions]
stemma in ancient Rome, a listing of the genealogy of a family; family tree. [1/2 definitions]
talent any of various coins in circulation in ancient Rome, Greece, and the Middle East, worth its weight in gold, silver, or other material. [1/4 definitions]
tetrarch in ancient Rome, the ruler of the fourth part of a province. [1/2 definitions]
toga a long, loose outer garment worn by citizens of ancient Rome.
triumvir any one of three persons jointly ruling or serving as a council, esp. in ancient Rome.
triumvirate a group of three persons, esp. in a joint ruling or administering capacity in ancient Rome. [1/2 definitions]
vestal virgin in ancient Rome, one of the six virgins who vowed to remain chaste and tended the fire in the temple of Vesta.