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bireme a galley of ancient times, with two tiers of oarsmen on each side.
boule1 an advisory council of elders or legislative assembly in ancient Greece. [1/2 definitions]
boustrophedon an ancient method of writing in which the words run in opposite directions on alternate lines.
British the language of the ancient Celts of southern Great Britain. [1/4 definitions]
burial ground a place where ancient or primitive civilizations buried their dead, or a place where many soldiers were buried after a battle.
Byzantium an ancient city on the site of modern Istanbul that, under the name Constantinople, was the capital of the Byzantine Empire.
calends (usu. used with a pl. verb) in the ancient Roman calendar, the first day of any month.
capitol (cap.) the ancient temple of Jupiter in Rome, or the hill on which it stands. [1/3 definitions]
cardinal virtues the basic virtues in ancient Greek philosophy; justice, prudence, temperance, and fortitude.
Carthage an ancient Phoenician city-state founded in the ninth century B.C. near the site of modern Tunis and destroyed in 146 B.C. by the Romans.
Cassandra in The Iliad, an ancient Greek epic poem, a woman who saw the future accurately, but who was fated never to be believed. [1/2 definitions]
catapult an ancient military machine used to hurl missiles such as large stones, esp. at fortifications. [1/5 definitions]
centurion in ancient Rome, an officer in command of a company of about one hundred men.
cestus1 in ancient times, a belt or girdle worn by a woman.
cestus2 in ancient Rome, a hand covering made of strips of leather weighted with iron or lead and worn by boxers.
chariot in ancient times, a two-wheeled horse-drawn vehicle driven from a standing position. [1/3 definitions]
chiton in ancient Greece, a tunic or gown worn by men and women. [1/2 definitions]
choric of, concerning, or in the manner of a chorus, esp. that of an ancient Greek play.
chryselephantine made of or overlaid with gold and ivory, as certain decorative objects and statues in ancient Greece.
circus in ancient Rome, a large, roofless arena surrounded by rows of seats, used for public spectacles and games. [1/3 definitions]
cithara a large lyrelike musical instrument of ancient Greece.