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deadly sins the seven sins believed to cause spiritual death: pride, covetousness, lust, anger, gluttony, envy, and sloth.
enraged filled with extreme anger or rage.
exasperate to increase the intensity or severity of (suffering, anger, or the like). [1/2 definitions]
fiery emotionally heated or intense, or quick to anger. [1/4 definitions]
flare up to suddenly burst forth in anger.
flip out (informal) to lose control of one's emotions, esp. in anger or excitement.
forgive to relinquish anger or resentment against. [1/4 definitions]
freak out (informal) to totally lose control of one's emotions, esp. in anger or distress. [1/2 definitions]
frost (informal) to annoy or anger. [1/9 definitions]
frown to wrinkle or contract the forehead, as in anger, displeasure, or perplexity. [3/5 definitions]
frustrate in connection with attempts to do something, to cause disappointment, anger, or confusion in (a person). [1/4 definitions]
frustration a condition or instance of being frustrated, usually causing anger or impatience. [1/2 definitions]
fume to display irritation or anger. [1/6 definitions]
furor violent anger; fury; rage. [1/4 definitions]
fury violent, passionate, or unrestrained anger; rage; frenzy. [1/4 definitions]
get one's goat to irritate, annoy, or anger. [1/2 definitions]
give someone the finger (slang) to express anger or contempt by extending the middle finger upward.
glower to look or stare with sullenness, anger, or animosity; scowl. [1/2 definitions]
gnash to strike or grind the teeth together, as in anger, frustration, or pain. [1/3 definitions]
go off on (someone) (informal) to explode in anger or outrage at someone, usually with a burst of speech.
hackle (pl.) the hairs on the back of the neck of certain animals, such as the dog, that become erect under provocation, as in anger. [1/3 definitions]