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Dictionary Suite
nettle to provoke, irritate, or annoy. [1/3 definitions]
offend to anger, annoy, or provoke resentment in. [1/5 definitions]
off-putting (informal) tending to annoy or repel.
peeve to annoy or irritate; vex. [1/2 definitions]
persecute to annoy or bother persistently; pester. [1/2 definitions]
pester to bother continually or repeatedly in ways that are small but annoying; annoy. [1/2 definitions]
pick on (informal) to annoy or harass, either verbally or physically. [1/3 definitions]
plague to annoy or harass; vex; torment. [1/6 definitions]
put out to annoy or upset (someone). [1/11 definitions]
rankle to irritate; annoy. [1/2 definitions]
rasp to irritate or annoy; grate upon. [1/8 definitions]
rile to make angry; irritate or annoy. [1/2 definitions]
rub the wrong way to irritate or annoy.
torment to agitate, annoy, or pester. [1/4 definitions]
tread on someone's toes to annoy or offend someone.
vex to annoy or irritate. [1/2 definitions]