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delirium tremens a condition caused by chronic excessive drinking of alcohol and characterized by hallucinations, trembling, and anxiety.
diazepam a tranquilizing drug, first marketed as Valium, that relaxes the muscles and relieves anxiety and depression.
difficulty the experiencing of perplexity, trouble, discomfort, or anxiety. [1/6 definitions]
disquiet lack of mental calm or peace; anxiety; uneasiness. [1/2 definitions]
disquietude a state of uneasiness; anxiety.
distressful causing distress or anxiety; troubling; worrisome; upsetting.
dread to look forward to with anxiety or dislike. [1/7 definitions]
d.t.'s abbreviation of "delirium tremens," a condition caused by chronic excessive drinking of alcohol and characterized by hallucinations, trembling, and anxiety.
dysphoria a generally unwell feeling, characterized by anxiety, dissatisfaction, discomfort, or restlessness.
ease the absence of pain, anxiety, or difficulty. [1/11 definitions]
existentialism a philosophy that emphasizes alienation and anxiety caused by the isolated and unexplainable nature of an individual's experience within an indifferent world, and stresses absolute freedom of choice associated with bearing responsibility for one's acts.
fear an emotion characterized by alarm, anxiety, and tension, often caused by an expectation of danger or pain; dread. [1/8 definitions]
fiddle to use the fingers or hands in a nervous or somewhat aimless manner, usually out of boredom or anxiety and often in an unfocused effort to make minor adjustments or repairs. [1/7 definitions]
fraught causing or characterized by uneasiness, stress, or anxiety. [1/2 definitions]
freak out (old-fashioned; informal) to have a bad reaction to a hallucinatory drug and feel intense anxiety. [1/2 definitions]
frightening causing or capable of causing fright or anxiety; scary; fearsome.
go overboard to do far too much out of excessive enthusiasm or anxiety; go to extremes.
haggard wasted, exhausted, or wild in appearance, as from hunger, deprivation, or anxiety.
heavy causing great mental anxiety, suffering, or reflection; serious; deep. [1/10 definitions]
hypochondriac a person who suffers abnormal anxiety about his or her health. [1/3 definitions]
jumpy nervous or edgy, as with fear or anxiety. [1/2 definitions]