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bridle anything that serves to restrain or guide. [1/5 definitions]
broadcast anything that is transmitted over television or radio. [1/9 definitions]
bubble anything that resembles a bubble in shape. [1/7 definitions]
bulwark anything or anyone that provides strength, support, or protection. [1/4 definitions]
bumper anything that bumps. [1/7 definitions]
buttress anything that gives support. [1/4 definitions]
carcass the useless remains of anything; empty shell. [1/3 definitions]
carload the amount of anything that a car, esp. a railroad car, can or does hold. [1/2 definitions]
cascade anything that falls or seems to fall like a cascade. [1/5 definitions]
cater to make efforts to supply anything needed or wanted (usu. fol. by "to"). [1/3 definitions]
celebration anything that is planned or done in order to celebrate something. [1/2 definitions]
cement anything that binds. [1/6 definitions]
chaff anything worthless or fit to be cast off. [1/2 definitions]
change anything substituted for something else. [1/18 definitions]
chapter an important or distinct period in anything. [1/4 definitions]
chase1 anything that is chased. [1/9 definitions]
cheek anything resembling a human cheek in its form or placement. [1/3 definitions]
cheer anything that brings good spirits, encouragement, or comfort. [1/9 definitions]
chill (informal) to relax calmly and without doing anything in particular. [1/16 definitions]
clear the decks to prepare for combat or some other activity by eliminating anything that might interfere.
cliché anything that has become trite through overuse. [1/3 definitions]