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freak1 extraordinary or without apparent cause. [1/4 definitions]
glitter brilliant attractiveness; apparent splendor. [1/6 definitions]
hang around to spend time in a place, or near another person, for little or no apparent purpose. [1/2 definitions]
incipient starting to exist or become apparent; in an early stage of development.
inconspicuous not obvious or readily apparent; easily overlooked.
inner not apparent or obvious; hidden. [1/4 definitions]
latent present but not yet apparent, developed, or operative.
lowdown (informal) true and important information, esp. as opposed to what is apparent or popularly accepted (usu. prec. by "the").
magnetic pole either of the apparent poles of a permanent magnet, at which the lines of magnetic force seem to converge. [1/2 definitions]
Mars the seventh largest planet in the solar system and fourth from the sun, having two satellites, a diameter of about 4,200 miles, and a ruddy surface that is apparent to the naked eye; the Red Planet. [1/2 definitions]
masscult (informal) the artificial, trivialized, commercialized culture apparent in artifacts created for the masses and made popular by the mass media.
meander to wander in speech or movement without apparent goal or direction; ramble. [1/3 definitions]
noticeable easily noticed; evident; apparent. [1/2 definitions]
nowhere the state of real or apparent nonexistence. [1/5 definitions]
obvious easily understood, recognized, or seen; apparent. [1/2 definitions]
ostensible apparent or stated, as opposed to real or true.
outward of or pertaining to the surface or outside; apparent or superficial. [1/8 definitions]
overt openly apparent; not concealed. (Cf. covert.)
oxymoron a figure of speech in which an apparent contradiction makes or highlights a point, as in the phrase "a frozen flame".
parallax the apparent change in the position of an observed object when seen from two different points.
Prince of Wales a title held by the heir apparent to the British throne.