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Prince of Wales a title held by the heir apparent to the British throne.
psychokinesis the apparent ability to move or otherwise affect inanimate or remote objects through the exercise of mental or psychic powers.
quirk anything that is unexpected or unpredictable, or has no apparent explanation. [1/3 definitions]
reflect to show forth; make apparent. [1/7 definitions]
rhyme or reason apparent sense or logic.
romp to accomplish or perform something without apparent effort. [1/4 definitions]
scramble to mix or throw together hastily or without any apparent order. [1/10 definitions]
seeming appearing to be as indicated; apparent. [1/2 definitions]
shine to become apparent. [1/10 definitions]
skyline the line formed by the apparent boundary between the earth and the sky; horizon. [1/2 definitions]
sunwise in the direction of the apparent motion of the sun; left to right, or clockwise.
superficial interested only in what is trivial or readily apparent. [1/5 definitions]
that used to indicate the one that is more distant or less immediately apparent. [1/12 definitions]
tropic either of the two imaginary circles around the earth defined by the sun's farthest apparent seasonal movement northward and southward in the sky. The northern circle, called the Tropic of Cancer, lies at latitude 23°27′ north and the southern circle, the Tropic of Capricorn, lies at 23°27′ south. [1/3 definitions]
unapparent combined form of apparent.
underlying present but not easily apparent; implicit. [1/4 definitions]
variable star a star that varies considerably in brightness and apparent magnitude because of internal pulsations, or because eclipsed by another star.
zero gravity the condition of apparent weightlessness, as of a body in orbit, when the apparent effect of gravity is zero.
zodiac an imaginary belt in the heavens that includes the apparent paths of the sun, moon, and most planets and is divided into twelve equal signs or parts, each named for a constellation that appears within the belt as seen from the earth. [1/2 definitions]